
How To Make Custom Color Palettes for Digital Planners

All note taking and PDF annotation apps usually come with the same preset, default colors. Luckily, most of these same apps allow you to add custom colors to your pen selection. But which colors do you choose? How do you make sure the colors you choose are cohesive?

Paper vs Digital Planner

Digital vs. Paper Planners – Part 2

Hello everyone! Are you ready for part 2 of our Digital vs. Paper Planner Comparison? Well here it is! (If you missed part 1, check it out here.) By the way, we’ve created another video on Portability of planners to go along with this blog. … Read more

Paperless vs Digital Planner

Digital vs. Paper Planners – Part 1

Hello everyone! I’m really excited about this new series Momma and I are starting. In this series, we will be comparing apples to apples between traditional, paper planners and the modern, digital planners. Through varied scenarios, we will be comparing planners—the pros and cons that … Read more

Helping Students Get Organized

Hello everyone! I’ve been waiting to write this blog post for a long time. This post marks the release of our new and exciting product venture: digital planners!

3 Ways to Stay Encouraged When Starting A Business

3 Ways to Stay Encouraged When Starting a Business (from a Teen’s Perspective)

Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I wrote on this blog. Momma has been so awesome and has allowed me to work on things that demanded my attention, but now it’s MY turn. Blessing by Design has been up and running for about … Read more

It’s a Late Week Two Update!

Hi all! A lot has been going on in the store this week, so it’s time for an update. We’ve been open for about two weeks now. We have seen a lot of traffic to our site, 99 visitors! But still not an order that … Read more

First Week Update

Hi all! It’s been a week since I opened so I wanted to do an update on how things are going. A big thank you to all of those who came the first day, gave feedback and advice. We have had a lot of support … Read more


Hi all! Thanks for taking the time to look at my store. Some of you might be wondering why a teenager is starting her own online store. It all started 4 years ago when I decided to learn the design applications that my Momma uses. … Read more